NEW FOR 2023!


NEW FOR 2023! 〰️

Halloween in the Village would like to extend an invitation to all students, teachers, or adult volunteers to participate in our super popular Halloween parade by entering our BEST SCHOOL FLOAT COMPETITION. We are inviting schools in the area to compete for our amazing prizes (as well as bragging rights!) by designing, building, and displaying a non-motorized Halloween float. Oh, did I mention that the top prize is $500?!!


 · PARADE STAGING: 5:00pm       · PARADE: 5:30pm   · PRIZE ANNOUNCEMENTS: 6:30pm


This fun challenge asks students, in consultation with a supervising adult, to combine creative thinking with technology, engineering and practical building skills.


Floats should include the following elements:


·      MUST BE NON-MOTORIZED -Pop your creation on some wheels and push, pull or pedal your float down Wortley Road.

·      ELECTRICITY -You will need to devise a power solution for your float.

·      LIGHTS -Add lighting to emphasize and illuminate.

·      SOUND -Play your favourite Halloween tunes or spooky sound effects.

·      DESIGN PLANS -Show your work. Submit drawings that detail how your float will look and how it will be built.

o   SUPER CHALLENGE -Consider incorporating moving parts. Use simple methods to create movement in some aspect of your creation.


We are looking for school groups or clubs to accept this challenge by submitting their design ideas to no later than 5:00pm Friday September 22, 2023